A new era for .au

Over the weekend we saw the biggest change to the .au domain name space. The operational control and management for .au has been migrated to Afilias, who currently manage over 25 of the global Top Level Domains (TLDs). The transition means that domain owners can now register domains for a range of time periods (from 1 year to 5 years) and benefit from reduced costs. … Continue reading A new era for .au

A better way to check DNS performance

Earlier in the week we posted about CloudFlare’s DNS service. I had tested performance on a few common websites across a range of DNS servers. I had done these tests by hand. It was slow and painful. I thought there should be a better way. But of course! There is a tool that does this. The tool is much more elegant than I am. … Continue reading A better way to check DNS performance

Sick and tired of the internet being slow? makes it faster

April Fools day is normally filled with internet pranks, creative advertising and implausible stories. And so, when we saw that CloudFlare and APNIC had put together some marketing on a new DNS service, we thought it must be just another April Fools prank. It’s anything but. What is DNS? DNS is the way the internet finds things using “domain names”. It translates human readable addresses (like … Continue reading Sick and tired of the internet being slow? makes it faster