It’s all about mobility

For years I’ve been a “road warrior”. I pick up my laptop and it travels with me. I’m used to being on call 24×7, and keep in regular touch with the internet and any services I need to be able to deliver the services our customers expect. To make that work, we’ve had to develop tools, systems and processes which support our technical team, sales … Continue reading It’s all about mobility

Nostalgia + AR + Social Impact: Pokémon wins.

When you’re 2 weeks behind the times, you can actually see the themes emerging. What started as a humble hand-held game for Gameboy in 1996 has turned into a multimedia empire: it’s no secret that the smartphone app Pokémon Go has taken over. As of July 11th, the game boasted over 21 million active users. And it’s still growing. On the 6th of July, Niantic Labs … Continue reading Nostalgia + AR + Social Impact: Pokémon wins.